Study on the Transfer of Meanings in Investigation Activities

Main Article Content

Andréia de Freitas Zompero
Carlos Eduardo de Souza Gonçalves
Helenara R. Sampaio


This article presents the contributions of an investigation activity for Science Teaching relatedwith the “tissue” content. The research was conducted with students in the eighth grade ofelementary school, in order to verify whether the knowledge acquired by students in a particularteaching situation could be transferred to other situations. Through analysis, we find characteristicsproposed by the NRC, The investigation activity gave advances in the understanding of moststudents regarding the disposition and function of cells of epithelial tissue useful diagnostic considerationsand possible structural cognitive minority not provided adequate transfer meanings.

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How to Cite
de Freitas Zompero, A., de Souza Gonçalves, C. E., & Sampaio, H. R. (2014). Study on the Transfer of Meanings in Investigation Activities. Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 25-34).
Investigaciones y desarrollos
Author Biographies

Andréia de Freitas Zompero

Universidade Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR

Carlos Eduardo de Souza Gonçalves

Universidade Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR

Helenara R. Sampaio

Universidade Norte do Paraná-UNOPAR

How to Cite

de Freitas Zompero, A., de Souza Gonçalves, C. E., & Sampaio, H. R. (2014). Study on the Transfer of Meanings in Investigation Activities. Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 25-34).