School Scientific Argumentation at and its Contribution to the Learning of a Complex Model of Health and Disease

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Andrea Revel Chion


This paper approaches the existing relationship between the learning of “school scientific argumentation” and the acquisition of a complex model of health and disease,
more specifically to explain the emergence and re-emergence of diseases. It is assumed
that school scientific argumentation is a linguistic-cognitive procedure which leads to the
production of a text that explains a topic in which four key domains can be recognized:
pragmatics, rhetoric, theory and logics. A historic-epistemological analysis of health as a
concept was performed and the stance adopted was in favor of a complex model defined as
multi-causal and multi-referential. A didactic unit was designed to teach both concepts with
emphasis on the metacognitive and self-regulatory processes set into motion through the
basis of orientation and instances of self-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation.
The study is aligned in a model of illocutionary explanation.

Article Details

How to Cite
Chion, A. R. (2014). School Scientific Argumentation at and its Contribution to the Learning of a Complex Model of Health and Disease. Journal of Biology Education, 17(1), (pp. 145-148).
Author Biography

Andrea Revel Chion, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca.

Doctorado en Ciencias. Mención Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales.

How to Cite

Chion, A. R. (2014). School Scientific Argumentation at and its Contribution to the Learning of a Complex Model of Health and Disease. Journal of Biology Education, 17(1), (pp. 145-148).