A first-person history of the Andes territory: Moises Lozano's letter to Francisco P. Moreno


  • Sandra Tolosa Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Argentina


territory, mining, subjectivity, strategic discourse


In this work we present a unique letter of Moises Lozano addressed to Francisco Pascasio Moreno, accompanied by a detailed memorandum where the author describes his activities and knowledge regarding the mineral wealth of the Territory of Los Andes and the surrounding areas of Northwestern Argentina. The text is an interesting case because it provides a subjective approach related to territorial, political and economic issues from the point of view of a relevant actor. The author uses a series of discursive strategies to get the interest of the addressed person. The document highlights the importance of the personal documents analysis in the anthropological and historical research. In this sense, the subjective textual inscriptions enable us to reconstruct unique and unrepeatable points of view regarding historical topics and specific social relations, and how this materializes in a particular discursive mode.


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How to Cite

A first-person history of the Andes territory: Moises Lozano’s letter to Francisco P. Moreno. (2014). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 5, 152-175. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/refa/article/view/33955