Traces of a Subject in the Letters to Perón: Between Sources and interpretation of First Peronism


  • Mercedes Barros Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio (IIDYPCA). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro (UNRN). Argentina
  • Virginia Morales Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina
  • Juan Manuel Reynares niversidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina
  • Mercedes Vargas Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social (INDES). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE). Argentina


letters, peronism, subjectivity, discourse


Our work ventures on a broad documentary corpus consisting of letters and communications sent to Juan and Eva Peron during the first two Peronist governments (1946-1955) in order to delineate the contours of the popular political subjectivity that emerged and constituted during those years of government. In the article, we first aim to reflect on the theoretical and methodological challenges such written source poses to the historical-political analysis, and then move to delineate the different analytical modes or dimensions we consider co-involved in the interpretive approach of epistolary practice. We put forward then, three main dimensions of analysis: a first one that focuses on the letter as a weave of articulated meanings, a second dimension that focuses on the political gesture of the letter, and a third and final one addressing the letter as evocation of the near and everyday context of the subject.


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How to Cite

Traces of a Subject in the Letters to Perón: Between Sources and interpretation of First Peronism. (2016). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 7, 234-260.