Presentation Dossier: The Dimensions of Inequality in Social History: Assessment and Research Perspectives
social history, inequality, historiographyAbstract
The Dossier that follows contains the papers presented by three prominent social historians at the round table entitled "The dimensions of inequality in social history: balance and research perspectives", at the VI Conference on Social History, held in La Falda (Córdoba) in May 2017. They offer us a historiographical balance on the dimensions and perspectives that the problem of multiple and situated inequalities has deserved in the historical production of the last decades, as well as the gaps and future challenges that arise in this matter. As a whole, they provide thoughtful reflections on various aspects of inequalities, which seek to delineate approaches and perspectives that are open and under construction, rather than a view of the problems of social inequalities.
ELEY Geoff, Una línea torcida. De la historia cultural a la historia de la sociedad, Valencia, PUV, 2008.
GOOTENBERG Paul, “Desigualdades persistentes en América Latina: historia y cultura”, Alteridades, México D.F., núm. 28, 2004, pp. 9-19.
REYGADAS Luis, La apropiación: Destejiendo las redes de la desigualdad, Barcelona, México, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Anthropos, 2008, pp. 18-19.
ROSANVALLON Pierre, La sociedad de iguales, Buenos Aires, Manantial, 2012.
SCOTT Joan, “El género: una categoría útil para el análisis histórico”, Marisa NAVARRO y Catherine STIMPSON (comps.), Sexualidad, género y roles sexuales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 1999.
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