The tiktokification of the world. A reading of the emergence and success of the short-form video format from Fredric Jameson’s notion of postmodernity



social media, TikTok, digital culture, postmodernity, Fredric Jameson


This work aims to analyze, from Fredric Jameson’s notion of postmodernity, the increasing popularity of the digital platforms that support the production and consumption of short-form videos. The article is based on the hypothesis that this format, of an exponentially growing success in recent years, condenses specific characteristics from the postmodern configuration of subjectivities and cultural production. This could help us comprehend its popularity. To this end, Jameson’s contributions are used to analyze the grammars proposed by the TikTok platform -and replicated by YouTube, X and Instagram- and the possibilities of the format in relation to the central characteristics that the author attributes to this period. A brief sociopolitical and economic definition of the category is proposed in order to then investigate the cultural aspects of it. Thus, the article is focused on the technological advances, the changes in subjectivities and their perception of time, the formats of production, consumption and narrativization that are privileged in this era. All of it in relation to the possibilities that are presented by these platforms and video format, collaborating in the theoretical comprehension of its appearance and quick rise to success.



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02/14/2025 — Updated on 02/14/2025




Academic Articles – Open Topic

How to Cite

Rojo, M. C. (2025). The tiktokification of the world. A reading of the emergence and success of the short-form video format from Fredric Jameson’s notion of postmodernity. Polifónicxs, 1(1).