About the Journal

Polifónicxs (ISSN 3072-7324) is a university student journal that is open-access, digital, and published semiannually (January–June and July–December). It belongs to the Critical Discourse Studies area of the School of Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba. Its objective is to foster and promote the training of future researchers in the field of discourse studies.

This publication space has been designed as a diverse and horizontal environment where undergraduate students can share knowledge, insights, and practices related to the field, emerging from the always complex intersection of theory, criticism, and methodology.

Submissions are open to both national and international students. The call remains open year-round for the sections Temática Libre, Ensayo, Docencia/Discurso, and Reseña, while submissions for the Dossier section follow a restricted timeline.

We invite students, faculty, professionals, researchers, and the general public to explore the academic articles, essays, and reviews that intertwine in the polyphonic fabric of this journal.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Bakhtinian dialogues and pampas polyphonies
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024):  Bakhtinian dialogues and pampas polyphonies

Observing the world from a discursive perspective means adopting a critical stance, recognizing its nature as an endless semiosis, an artifact in constant transformation, and positioning ourselves ethically and politically in this contemporary in-world to unravel the mechanisms of power production, reproduction, and circulation.

How can a student journal account for this complexity? First, we move away from proposals that approach discursive objects from a purely thematic perspective and instead seek to reclaim what we consider the greatest potential of this field: the plurality of theoretical, critical, and methodological frameworks offered by our academic program.

Thus, this project focuses on the vast network of theoretical enunciations that have shaped what we now understand as our field of study—a polyphony that defines us as a project and gives us our name.

The voices that fill the pages of this inaugural issue speak of the first steps in the journey of academic research, offering a space to make explicit the writing practices that take shape in the very exercise of essayistic thought, while also engaging with the fertile field of media, popular, and mass cultures.

Academic articles, essays, and reviews intertwine within the polyphonic fabric of this journal—a vast constellation of meanings where language and social reality feed into each other or, as Mikhail Bakhtin would say, “illuminate one another.”

Published: 02/14/2025

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Review Section

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Creating Polifónicxs in times when thinking is deemed almost a taboo is an act of rebellion. That is why, with pride and as a symbol of resistance, we invite you to explore the pages of this first issue, convinced that within the polyphony of voices that compose it, you will find a breath of fresh air—perhaps even the hope of a renewed future amid so much desolation.