Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Feminisms and sexual dissidence in the combat zone: actions and reactions to the right-wing extremism

					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Feminisms and sexual dissidence in the combat zone: actions and reactions to the right-wing extremism

The (new) right and its militarist allies are not new phenomena, although the singularity of a time-space always imbues them with novelty. In America as a whole (although it is resoundingly global), the Trumpist and Bolsonarist phenomenon was slowly and effectively woven not only in the bedroom relationship of parties and companies, but also at the grassroots, among the people. The ‘far right’ and the ‘extreme right’ are political categories that were taking on possible ways of reaching the ballot box, of being elected, of finally governing. We saw it from a distance that we believed to be immune to the (not so naïve) trust and democracy built over forty years by dint of contradictions, challenges, the street, human rights, feminism and the LGBTIQ movement multiplying and widening common life. The year 2023 marked a milestone we thought impossible: the composition of extreme right-wing and militarist forces managed to reach a presidential formula (there were already parliamentarians and more) and managed to constitute a tense and somber ballotage in the new presidency of Argentina. What (happened) to us? Given the various and unforeseen constraints of this year, we did not manage to organise a Dossier as we have done in previous volumes. Even so, we were able to give this issue an identity from La Polémica. On the basis of the questions raised in the call for papers and others suggested later, local leaders put forward their positions on the challenge that summons us: to question and rethink some of the drifts of what, from certain political and social sectors, we can polemically understand as a ‘feminist malpractice’ (disidentifying, ‘piantavotos’) or, on the contrary, to strengthen and perseveringly erect the practices and banners that we consider to be inalienable. The polemic is still open and we look forward to your participation.


Published: 2024-08-01