Lesbian habitus: identity, activism and community.


  • Cecilia Magdalena Malnis


Lesbian activism, Experience, Identity, Habitus, Bourdieu


In this article we will present an advance of the research on the experience and political identity of lesbian activists in Argentina, seeking to understand the complex relationships between structure, social action and identity formation. The paper proposes the category of habitus as a useful theoretical tool to reflect on these experiences understood in their politicized and dissident being/being/thinking that makes lesbians more than a sociological group of people: they are a pole of antagonism and their identity is collectively constructed in the struggle. The theoretical framework reopens the classic discussions in the field of sociology, which will be reconciled with the contributions of Pierre Bourdieu and his structuralist constructivism, as well as with the contributions of Pierre Bourdieu and his structuralist constructivism, as well as by the contributions of feminist and materialist thinkers from the field of lesbianism.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Magdalena Malnis

Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales (INCIHUSA), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Mendoza.


2021-03-01 — Updated on 2021-03-11

How to Cite

Malnis, C. M. (2021). Lesbian habitus: identity, activism and community. Polémicas Feministas, 4, 1–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/polemicasfeminista/article/view/32259