The analyst-teacher: His cause in the university


  • Matías Palacio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
  • Clementina Parra Pautasso Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
  • Rocío Jazmín Rivero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)


psychoanalysis, university, transmission, professor, knowledge, desire


This article intends to make us think about the position of those who teach psychoanalysis at University today. For that purpose, we get closer to University speech, since it is closely connected to the master ́sspeech and how this results in the standard reproduction of theoretical blocks. This brief approach becomes the starting point to suggest an analyst-professor who stays away from mere reproduction to head into invention. We therefore wonder what the challenges this figure must meet are. We introduce right here a number of elements that allow these analyst-professors aim at a far beyond of what hasbeen established. Not only elements that have to do with education but also those which are connected to the ethics and politics they face. We also get close to being able to outline the aim of transmission and the role of desire within transmission.


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How to Cite

The analyst-teacher: His cause in the university. (2019). Pathos, 1(1), 61-66.