An approach a methodology of scientific research for assistant - students.
Background. This work is presented from a «problematic» perspective in the attenipt to establish a dialogic relationship between the educator and the student-subject. mediated by the object of knowledge. It is oriented to the integral education of the helping students departing from a closer approach to the scientific research. This work was carried out by a teacher and two hired students. Objectives: This project was developed in relation with the profile required for the career of medicine in the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Cordoba which - among other aspects- addresses the importance of «adopting a positive attitudc towards research based on knowlcdge and the application of the scientific methodology» and towards «the development of a responsible selflearning and continuous improvement» (sic). Thus, this work tries to be aligned with this perspectives. Materials and Methods: I. Characterization of the scientific methodology. Search for bibliography and discussion of scientific works. II. Optimization of the methodology for the observation of leucocytes: blood samples don ated by healthy people, noncoagulating with citrate or with EDTA (Blood reservoir of the UNC (National University of Cordoba) n= 20. a) Blood smear of fuli blood. b) centrifugation at 200g of plasma and aspiratcd leucocytes after erythro sed imentation and re suspension of the ccli peliet and cyto-dispersion. Cytological and cyto-chemical techniques. Results: I. Deeper knowledge about blood fleid was achieved. It generated an appropriate atmosphere to produce scientific questioning and the activities involved in the process were carried out responsibly. II. Better results were achieved using EDTA for the observation and analysis of leucocytes. Conclusions: It was possible to attain the objedives for an approach to a scientific research as well as for a contribution towards a responsible development in the continuous learning process.
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