Methodological considerations for the study of devices in the field of mental health

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Javier Emanuel Salum
Alicia Stolkiner
Agustina María Edna D'Agostino


In this paper we work on the problem of the methodological approach in the study of devices in the field of mental health. For this, elements of Foucauldian reading are recovered in order to build a conceptual reference. In this way, a conceptualization of the devices is delimited in terms of heterogeneous sets of elements that belong to both the discursive and the non-discursive. Regarding the discursive, understood as a controversial concept, a differential analysis is made between the Foucauldian perspective and some structuralist and personalist readings of his time, such as Benveniste's linguistics. In a second instance, a series of methodological considerations are analyzed to address the statements and visibilities, and we proceed to locate some particularities of the field of mental health as a specific territory of our research.

It is concluded, in the first place, that conceiving the heterogeneous nature between the enunciable and the visible as two constitutive forms of the devices entails a position regarding the problem of truth under investigation. Consequently, the need to question the procedures by which a statement, a discourse, a practice or a knowledge are constituted as truths in a determined historical formation is established. Second, it concludes in the elaboration of a series of criteria that contribute to the problematization of the objectivity-subjectivity and reality-distortion dualisms. Finally, emphasis is placed on the ethical dimension of the approach to the field of mental health and particularly the option for public health. Likewise, the political dimension is highlighted, which lies in the importance of considering the ways in which power relations between people are settled. Research on these relationships of forces aims to contribute to current debates in the field of mental health.


Keywords: device; mental health; methodology; power; knowledge.



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How to Cite
Salum, J. E., Stolkiner, A. ., & D’Agostino, A. M. E. (2021). Methodological considerations for the study of devices in the field of mental health. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1–22. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Javier Emanuel Salum, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Bachelor and Professor of Psychology graduated from the UNLP in 2015. Professor of Institutional Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNLP since 2017. Research fellow by the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the UNLP since 2018. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology (UNLP) with a thesis plan entitled: "Psychologists in the devices of the field of Mental Health" (Director: Alicia Stolkiner; Co-director: Agustina D'Agostino).

She has been involved in research projects since 2012 within the framework of the Community Psychology and Public Policy Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology of the UNLP. Currently, she is a member of the project "Exercise of Rights and Productions of subjectivity. A study in intersectoral networks in institutions of La Plata and Gran La Plata. Second stage (2018-2021)" directed by Edith Pérez and María Antonia Luis, accredited and subsidised by SECYT UNLP. Since 2012, he has been continuously involved in university extension projects linked to the socio-community area and institutional psychology. He is currently coordinator of the project "Memorias insurgentes" (accredited by the UNLP Extension Secretariat). He is the author of several book chapters related to the area of institutional psychology. He has published in refereed journals and is the author of numerous papers presented at congresses and conferences. He has directed integrative works for the completion of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology.



Alicia Stolkiner, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires

Graduate in Psychology, she did her postgraduate studies in Public Health at the School of Public Health of the University of Buenos Aires in 1985, and previously completed a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Regular Professor of Public Health and Mental Health at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Regular Professor of the International Doctorate and Master's Degree in Community Mental Health at the National University of Lanús, of the Master's Degree in Mental Health at the National University of Entre Ríos; and of other national and foreign postgraduate courses.

She began her academic teaching career at the National University of Cordoba in 1974, continued it at the National University of Mexico between 1977 and 1984, reaching the position of Professor, and then at the University of Buenos Aires since 1984 and then at the UNLA.

Categorized Researcher I, Director since 1986 of Research Projects funded by UBACyT, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion, the National University of Lanús and the IDRC/CIID of Canada. She has directed master's, doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships from CONICET, UBACyT and the Pan American Health Organization.  For ten years she has been Coordinator of the Argentine Node of the Health Systems and Services Research Network of the Southern Cone, funded by the IDRC/CIID of Canada and based at FIO-Cruz, Brazil. He has supervised numerous undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses and has hosted foreign interns in the research team. He has published two co-authored books and numerous articles in national and international refereed and non-refereed journals, as well as outreach publications and teaching materials.

Since 1992 she has directed University Extension projects that articulate with health/mental health programmes.

Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Team Auxiliary to the Justice of CONADI, National Secretariat of Human Rights.

She was President of the International Association of Health Policies and is currently a member of the Collegiate Coordination of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine, ALAMES. 

He has received the following awards and distinctions for "Academic Excellence" at the UBA and the UNC.

Agustina María Edna D'Agostino, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

PhD in Psychology (UNLP). Degree and Professor of Psychology (UNLP). University Professor of Institutional Psychology and History of Psychology (Psychology I) at the National University of La Plata. Advisor to the Undersecretary of Mental Health and Problematic Inputs, Ministry of Health, Province of Buenos Aires. She was a doctoral fellow at the National University of La Plata and the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and postdoctoral fellow CONICET. She directs and integrates Extension and Research projects at the UNLP, which are characterised by interdisciplinary work and socio-community application. Member of the Board of Directors of the Free Chair of National Sanitation (UNLP). Director of scholarship holders and thesis students. Pedro Bonifacio Palacios" Award (2004) and Award for Scientific Work National University of La Plata (2017). Her line of research focuses on the study of social imaginaries, institutions and their intersection with the field of social public policies. She is currently studying a specialisation in Methods and Techniques of Social Research (CLACSO).




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