Domínguez Dentrecasa and Museo del Fondo del Paraná: (Modern) Art as an Archive of (Contemporary) Art

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Renata Defelice


This paper addresses the works Domínguez Dentrecasa (2003) by Lila Siegrist and Museo del Fondo del Paraná (2012) by Santiago Villanueva, exhibited at the LVII and LXVI Salón Nacional de Rosario, respectively. Both retrieve some works of local art from the mid-20th century that had remained excluded from the institutional arrangements of the museum and art history. These returns alone are holders for the revision of the established cartographies of modern art and, in addition, multiply this capacity by relating to different figures of the Paraná River through their underlying archival operations. By meeting in the fluvial, the archive and the region, notions linked throughout this essay, counteract the fixity of their definitions, multiplying themselves into questions defined from two specific artistic practices. In a continuous movement of additions, the region is sometimes perceived as a developmental remnant of substantial identity to be immediately questioned by the plurality of meanings that the image leaves in suspense. The archive, in turn, shows the constitutive power relations of its different contingencies: location, shelter, preservation, exhumation, tech support. The river, as archive and region or archive of the region, is questioned as landscape or subject of painting and is exposed to another conception different from these generic demarcations: the experimentations in the territory, its connection with the autobiographical construction, the multiple edges of its discursive emplacements. Domínguez Dentrecasa and the Museo del Fondo del Paraná seem to hold themselves on these complex intersections; in both projects, the reevaluation of symbolic expressions of the 20th century persists, returning to the fluvial as open questions to the future.


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How to Cite
Defelice, R. (2022). Domínguez Dentrecasa and Museo del Fondo del Paraná: (Modern) Art as an Archive of (Contemporary) Art. Heterotopías, 5(10), 89-111.
Author Biography

Renata Defelice, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Renata Defelice received her BA in Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. She is in her 3rd year of the doctorate program in literature and critical studies at Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades (IECH, UNR-Conicet). Her research interests are in archive and region, the production of locality in contemporary artistic, poetic and editorial practices in the city of Rosario. Renata’s dissertation is a part of Unidad Ejecutora Project «Policies and uses of the archive. Production, interpretation and enhancement of historical, cultural, artistic and literary archives (19th to 20th centuries)», the research line on Latin American Cultural Studies of the IECH, and the projects «Archives of the avant-garde within the framework of the unequal modernity of Latin America: Documentary narratives, theater, popular songbooks and visual arts», «Archive and Region. Transdisciplinary studies of the archival impulse in the literature and art of the litoral» (directed by Dr. Mónica Bernabé), and «Archivo Lucio V. Mansilla. For a comprehensive rereading» (directed by Dr. Sandra Contreras). Her degree research has been supported by Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional in 2015-2016 and 2018-2019. She also teaches Latin American Literature at Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (UNR).


How to Cite

Defelice, R. (2022). Domínguez Dentrecasa and Museo del Fondo del Paraná: (Modern) Art as an Archive of (Contemporary) Art. Heterotopías, 5(10), 89-111.


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