Disenchanted world, promethean attitude and death of nature Diagnosis and reflection about possible alternatives

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Pablo Ezequiel Sachis


This article analyzes the way in which the disenchanted vision of the world, mechanistic science and the prevalence of a Promethean attitude of domination were combined in the modern era. In terms of Carolyn Merchant (1990), these processes led to the "death of Nature" (metaphorical and factual). The available literature that reports these problems is extremely vast. Thus, the study refers to a series of contemporary authors who agree on essential points of the diagnosis. The statement of the problem includes historical studies (particularly, history of science), philosophical and sociological analysis. The inquiry invokes the exegetical reading of Pierre Hadot (2015), the ecofeminist perspective developed by Carolyn Merchant (1990) and the ethics of responsibility postulated by Hans Jonas (1995). The objective is to avoid a simplistic and unambiguous reading of these complex processes, as well as to overcome binary divisions and traditional disputes. This theoretical reflection, with a practical horizon, proposes a moderate Promethean attitude in connection with the ethics of responsibility, and the promotion of the aesthetic contemplation of nature linked with perspectives and actions of ecological care.


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How to Cite
Sachis, P. E. (2022). Disenchanted world, promethean attitude and death of nature: Diagnosis and reflection about possible alternatives. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-23. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/38166
Author Biography

Pablo Ezequiel Sachis, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Pablo Ezequiel Sachis is Bachelor in Philosophy, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba. He is a doctoral fellow of SeCyT-UNC (Secretariat of Science and Technology). His PhD studies in Philosophy (Postgraduate Secretariat, FFyH, UNC) are about "biopolitics, government rationality and configuration of subjectivities: a complex approach from the 'analytics of power relations' proposed by Michel Foucault". He has carried out university assistantships in the subjects Philosophy of Education and Ethics II and works at university level in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, in Ethics II and the University Program in Prison. He also teaches at the secondary level. He specializes in practical philosophy studies, precisely political philosophy and ethics. In these he pays special attention to the archaeological and genealogical studies of Michel Foucault and his contemporary drift, linked to problems such as naturalism, artificialism and the processes of subjectivation generated by technology and social and cultural practices. He is part of the Research Group called "The human being, between machine and sensibility: research on two models of anthropological conception in modernity and contemporaneity" (Consolidar Projects 2018-2021, SeCyT-UNC), directed by Dr. Carlos Balzi. Linked to this project, he has presented several articles concerning the problematic of the philosophical and anthropological conception about the "man-machine" and its conceptual, social, political and cultural drift, considering related topics such as disciplinary regimes, bureaucratic administration and governmental rationalization. He has participated in colloquiums, congresses and conferences as well as published articles or parts of books on the topics studied.

How to Cite

Sachis, P. E. (2022). Disenchanted world, promethean attitude and death of nature: Diagnosis and reflection about possible alternatives. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-23. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/38166


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