From lack of air to photosynthesis: Affections, city and nature in Memoria del aislamiento

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Lorena Verzero


With the Covid-19 pandemic, the performing arts had to completely change their proposals and the same happened with activism. Between artistic activism and performance art, the Relato situado project (started in 2015) of the Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas is a worthy case to think of current issues. In 2020, in addition to a virtual edition of Barrios por la memoria, they created Memoria del aislamiento, which featured monthly editions. The performance is offered as a testimony of isolation and exposes consciousness of its archive qualities. The experience of the everyday life and the return to the natural in the daily life of the city are elements to think of in these performances.

In this article I will focus on the final performance piece, since the montage makes possible to take a trip through the confinement, and it also allows a specific approach based on the connection between creation, city and nature. The performance pieces of the last edition offer a journey through the whole year 2020 and the experience of the four seasons organizes the audiovisual performance, which we could then define as a natural-urban calendar. The common thread is expressed through a return to nature in the experience of everyday life in the city. That is to say, the performances expose the creative power of the everyday life and the relationship with nature stands out as a looking for sun, the need of photosynthesis, the return to the animal and the presence of elements such as fire, sky, water, air. In consequence, the performance appears as an affective and natural calendar. That is why we will use the elements of theories of affect to analyze the relationships between art, experience and nature.

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How to Cite
From lack of air to photosynthesis: Affections, city and nature in Memoria del aislamiento. (2022). Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-22.
Author Biography

Lorena Verzero, Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Lorena Verzero

She is an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina), based at the IIGG (Gino Germani Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires). D. in History and Theory of the Arts, UBA; MA in Humanities, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; BA and Professor of Literature with a specialization in Literary Theory, UBA.

She is Director of the Graduate Program of Updating in Artistic Practices and Politics in Latin America (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UBA), Professor of Semiology at UBA XXI and Professor in charge of the Thesis Development Seminar, Master's Degree in Theater (Faculty of Arts, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires). She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in several national and foreign universities. She also coordinates the Study Group on Contemporary Theater, Politics and Society in Latin America (IIGG-UBA).

She specializes in the study of stage practices in their relationship with politics in the recent history of Argentina and Latin America. Her work on the theatrical militancy of the sixties/seventies is well known, which later opened up into two closely linked lines of research: the reconstruction of those years in the performing arts within the framework of memory studies and contemporary artistic activism.

She is the author of Teatro militante: Radicalización artística y política en los años '70 (Biblos, 2013). Her latest publications are: Ciudades performativas: Prácticas artísticas y políticas de (des)memoria en Buenos Aires, Berlín y Madrid (Clacso-IIGG, 2021), directed with Pietsie Feenstra; Memorias de la crisis: El 2001 desde un prisma teatral, coordinated with Ezequiel Lozano (Libretto, 2021); and Mutis por el foro: Artes escénicas y política en tiempos de pandemia, edited with Lola Proaño Gómez (ASPO, 2020).

How to Cite

From lack of air to photosynthesis: Affections, city and nature in Memoria del aislamiento. (2022). Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-22.


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