Organic methodology and feelthink machines

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In this article we will analyze the organic methodology of Iconoclasistas, a non-methodical method that consists of a set of cognitive artifacts, powerful in their simplicity and sustainable in their activation and analog dynamization. These are living tools, coupled with the dynamism of territorial processes and adaptable to the challenges imposed by the tactical perspective on each territory. We will go through the variants of this epistemological proposal to focus on the ways of doing, their ethical and aesthetic practices and the leading role those graphic artifacts were acquiring in the invention of moments of reflection and creation of collective knowledge.

First of all, we will describe the activation of collective mapping workshops, a space of popular hermeneutics that is constituted from the dialogue between central and peripheral knowledge, within the framework of a strongly visual register. The creation of maps collectively allows us to trace new paths, break down hegemonic stories and orient ourselves to build new narratives, as an expanded way of reading the world strategically and interpreting it. Next, we will reflect on new dimensions of work that Iconoclasistas have been incorporating in recent years. We refer to a set of playful tools, graphic resources or visual elements called feelthink machines; a set of geometric diagrams of simple design, optimal to promote reflection and organize collective knowledge in workshop spaces. These diagrams are crystallized in schemes to be completed individually or collectively and from various dynamizations, and cover a series (in permanent growth) that adjusts to the reflective contexts and objectives of the workshop. Finally, we will identify a series of challenges and obstacles that may appear during the development of collaborative research spaces.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Iconoclasistas. (2022). Organic methodology and feelthink machines. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-19.
Author Biography

Iconoclasistas, Colectivo de artistas

Iconoclasistas is a duo formed by Julia Risler (Province of Córdoba, 1973) and Pablo Ares (Province of Buenos Aires, 1965). Since 2006 they have been developing projects combining graphic art, creative workshops and collective research. In 2008 they started collective mapping workshops and in 2013 they published the "Manual de mapeo colectivo. Critical cartographic resources for territorial processes of collaborative creation", where they systematize and share methodologies, resources and dynamics for the self-organization of workshops. In 2017 they began to give training workshops on collaborative research tools, broadening the horizon and objectives of the work, and experimented with "thinking machines", graphic supports from which they deepen the training in workshops on graphic resources and tools for collaborative and territorial research. They developed workshops in Latin America and Europe, and participated in exhibitions in museums in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, United States, France, Holland, Lebanon, Mexico and Portugal. They were awarded the Curry Stone Design Prize (United States, 2017) and the BID12 award in Graphic Design and Audiovisual Communication (Spain, 2012).

How to Cite

Iconoclasistas. (2022). Organic methodology and feelthink machines. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-19.


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