Liberty and its defenses, all stages in the soouth

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María Victoria Barud


About Cancellier, A. and Barchiesi, M. A. (Eds.) (2020). Teatro, prácticas y artes performativas del testimonio y de la memoria. New paradigms, forms, approaches in the post-dictatorships of the Southern Cone. Argentina, Chile, Uruguay. Padua: Cleup


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How to Cite
Barud, M. V. (2021). Liberty and its defenses, all stages in the soouth. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-8.
Author Biography

María Victoria Barud, Facultad de Filosofía Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan

María Victoria Barud Femenia (34) is a literature teacher graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts of the National University of San Juan; she holds a diploma in Reading, Writing and Education from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. She teaches in secondary schools in the province of San Juan and in the following subjects: "Didactics and Educational Research in Language and Literature I", "Teaching Practice I" (FFHA, Faculty of Arts) and "Reading and Writing I" (FACSO, Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication). She is a member of the research projects on Literature with children at the Institute of Literature "Ricardo Güiraldes". She is studying for a Higher Specialisation in Writing, Reading and Education at FLACSO. She is a playwright, director and illuminator of stage shows including "LAS PARTES 17 partes para construir un cuerpo", "DON QUÉ...? DON QUIJOTE" and co-founder of the interdisciplinary performance

How to Cite

Barud, M. V. (2021). Liberty and its defenses, all stages in the soouth. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-8.


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