Action and detention: notes for the study of the popular actor in Argentina and Mexico

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Martín Rodríguez


The purpose of this article is to develop some key concepts for the comparative study of popular Argentine and Mexican actors within what we call the Revolutionary Model of Periodization. It is a way of thinking of popular actors as producers (as opposed to what we call actors creators) and of putting them in relation to two fundamental categories, “tierra” y “mugre”, closely linked to detention and to a particular way of conceiving time.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, M. (2020). Action and detention: notes for the study of the popular actor in Argentina and Mexico. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-22.
Author Biography

Martín Rodríguez, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Ph.D. in Arts (University of Buenos Aires) and Master in Sociology of Cultureand Cultural Analysis (IDAES-Universidad Nacional de San Martín) He is Professor ofthe subject Panorama del Teatro Latinoamericano at the UNA (Universidad Nacional dethe Arts) and Assistant Researcher of the National Council of Science andTechnology (CONICET). He is a member of the Doctorate of Arts Commission of the UNA and hasdirected research projects financed by CONICET and the National Agencyof Scientific and Technological Promotion. During 2010 he was awarded a scholarship forconduct post-doctoral research on Mexican and Argentinean popular actorsat the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Between the years 2011 and 2015 hedirected the Argentine and Ibero-American Theatre Study Group (GETEA) and theTeatro XXI magazine together with Marina Sikora. In the year 2016,he becameDirector of the Institute of Theatre Research of the National Universityof the Arts.

How to Cite

Rodríguez, M. (2020). Action and detention: notes for the study of the popular actor in Argentina and Mexico. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-22.


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