The in-between and the landscape in the argentine theater of the XXI century: three works of Alejandra Tantanian
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In the dramaturgy of the XXI century, the boundaries between fiction and reality, author and creation, work and readeres-spectators, between theater and other arts became porous. In this article we consider the crack edges –the passage from one literary genre to another, a text to another, from monologue to dialogue and vice versa-, to analyze what lies in-between, that third place where put a strain on different territories. We think the in-between from the theater of Alejandro Tantanian, taking into account this thoughts and three of his works, Tyse, Y nada más y Marina: there, the in-between es creative space and landscape where they intersect, cross and transform literature and theater, life and poetry, mise en page and staging, by various methods of dramaturgical writing we analyzed here.
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