The Weight of Bits: Re materialization strategies in the post digital Art


  • Andrés Belfanti Universidad Nacional de Villa María


Digital Arts, Contemporary Art, Poetics, Aesthetics, Media Archaeology


In this work we explore how post-digital art resources, understood as the use of technological tools in a critical way, include new forms of materiality in the art production process. We propose that this process criticizes both the notion of contemporary art, digital art, and also the current technological paradigm, by including and making visible certain elements usually considered immaterial by the instrumentalism. 

We make a brief introduction to certain elements of contemporary art, and the post-digital paradigm. Using Parikka's Media Archaeology (2012), we propose an analysis of two Argentine works, adressing materiality as a way of putting in tension the imaginaries and ideas about digital art.


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How to Cite

The Weight of Bits: Re materialization strategies in the post digital Art. (2022). Avances, 31.