The originals will be submitted to an editorial process that will take place in several phases. First, the contributions received will be the subject of a preliminary assessment by the members of the Editorial Committee, Editor and/or Coordinators of the Monographic Section who will determine the relevance of the publication. Works whose quality is ostensibly low or that incur a conflict of interest, plagiarism, self-plagiarism and/or do not respect the ethical guidelines of publication may be rejected without external evaluation.

The articles that overcome this first filter and are submitted to the sections "Articles of Theoretical Discussion" and "Articles of Research" as well as the section "Monographic" are sent, monitoring the authorship data, to two independent reviewers (double blind review) designated by the Editorial Team and/or the Coordinators of the special section, as appropriate. These reviewers have the title of doctor, are specialists in the subject that proposes the contribution and belong to different Universities/ Research Centers/ Institutions, most external to the Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society.

Astrolabio. Nueva Época does not accept the authors' suggestion to select reviewers. The contributions for the "Review" section are sent to two independent reviewers (double blind review) who belong to the Editorial and Scientific Committee of the Journal.

The regular peer review process takes about four to six months. Possible opinions are:

  1. A) Publication without correction is recommended.
  2. B) Publication with corrections recommended.
  3. D) Publication not recommended.

Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editorial Committee decides whether the contribution will be published or not, and the authors are informed of the decision and its bases. If the final opinion recommends publication with corrections (option b), the new version will be reviewed by at least one of the external reviewers or by a member of the specialist editorial committee who will accept or reject the changes introduced. This decision is final.

In all cases, the opinions include the scientific justification of the evaluators and the considerations and summary opinion of the Editorial Board. Also, if the evaluators' opinions are contradictory, the work is sent to a third referee.

Astrolabio. Nueva Época carefully respects the opinions of evaluators and authors within the framework of respect for ethical norms and free thought. Texts with offensive or discriminatory content are not published or retransmitted: phrases or terms that are explicitly offensive are deleted and the text is returned to the author for correction.