Hearts of Iron: Neo-Darwinists against Darwin? Disputes about Anthropocentrism and Progress in 20th Century Evolutionary Biology

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Micaela Anzoategui


In fundamental works such as On the Origin of Species (1859), The Descent of Man (1871) and The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), as well as in minor writings, Charles Darwin established a clear anti-anthropocentric position based on the evolutionary continuity between animals and humans, and between all organisms, including the human species. Nevertheless, several theorists of the modern evolutionary synthesis reinstated anthropocentrism within the theory of evolution, even at the expense of foundational Darwinian ideas. I will analyze the case to try to understand how what has been called the “second narcissistic wound” inflicted by Darwin on humanity operates in this attempt to make biology and anthropocentrism coincide in the twentieth century, against the thought of the father of biology. To understand contemporary anthropocentrism, we will follow some clues to know how, in our culture, there is an antinomy between two ideas produced at different moments of intellectual history: either that man is the center of nature or the exact opposite idea, escaping in certain aspects to his biology through exceptionality. Precisely, the thesis of biological continuity presented by Darwin is one of the most important marks of the epistemological revolution that bears his name, and yet the heirs of his revolution betray this thesis.


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Anzoategui, M. (2024). Hearts of Iron: Neo-Darwinists against Darwin? Disputes about Anthropocentrism and Progress in 20th Century Evolutionary Biology. Astrolabio, (33), 52–77. https://doi.org/10.55441/1668.7515.n33.42269


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