Towards New Relationships Between Humans and Animals: A Sociological Approach to the Discourses and Meanings of Five Vegan Activists for Animal Liberation in the City of Iquique, Chile

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Víctor Manuel Rodríguez Cáceres


The following research addresses the phenomena of veganism and activism for animal liberation, understanding both as forms of resistance and opposition to speciesism and the domination that humans exercise towards other animals. This work takes what is academically known as the “animal question” approach. In this regard, we sought to delve deeper into the discourses and meanings that emanate from the daily experience of vegan activists, and from their experiences as activists for animal liberation. Regarding the methodological aspect, the exploratory nature of the research and its phenomenological-interpretive design should be mentioned. The sample corresponds to five vegan activist subjects aspiring to animal liberation and residing in the City of Iquique, Chile. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews, while the analysis was done through grounded theory. The main conclusion of the research was that the discourses and meanings of vegan activists are heterogeneous. However, and despite this, some common discourses and meanings can be found, for example, about the impossibility of abandoning veganism or regarding veganism as an engine of animal liberation.


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Rodríguez Cáceres, V. M. (2024). Towards New Relationships Between Humans and Animals: A Sociological Approach to the Discourses and Meanings of Five Vegan Activists for Animal Liberation in the City of Iquique, Chile. Astrolabio, (33), 217–243.


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