Vinciane Despret, A Materialistic Research Ethos: Inherit, Interest, Trust, Sustain

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Roque Farrán


The text presents the perspective of the philosopher and scientist Vinciane Despret from four topics that intersect and traverse differentially all her research: inherit, interest, trust, sustain. This delimitation allows us to trace different modulations of the investigative ethos that she proposes and amplify the originality of her bet by making it dialogue with other philosophical perspectives that are related to hers and are not made explicit by the author (Spinoza, Foucault). I consider that Despret's perspective condenses in an exemplary way the main lines of a research ethos that awakens the desire to sustain it by leaving the current crossroads where it is normally crushed or despised. In the introduction I clarify why I focus on the perspective of this particular author, and in the final considerations I suggest a link with my own research proposal, which I have been developing for some time.


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How to Cite
Farrán, R. (2024). Vinciane Despret, A Materialistic Research Ethos: Inherit, Interest, Trust, Sustain. Astrolabio, (32), 416–440.
Artículos de discusión teórica


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