Reading practices: Contributions for a reflecting and intervening upon built patrimony

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Diego Fonti


A relevant feature of Modernity is the bureaucratic formalization of relationships and administrative procedures, something that has had significant consequences in the field of built architectonic heritage. On the one side, it is aimed at an administrated handling of these works, but on the other, this affects the relationship of subjects regarding these works. In this paper I propose a cluster of elements with a philosophical basis, which may serve as roadmap for a comprehensive approach to built heritage from a Latin American perspective. First, I will propose to understand the relationship to edified built heritage under the form of a reading exercise. This approach is complemented by some main traits of hermeneutics: The different intentions to be found in interpretation regarding the work, the fusion of horizons, and the narration that relates personal historicity with the work itself, are some main hermeneutical contributions for a relationship of meaningful understanding of built heritage. Besides this hermeneutic perspective, the pragmatic approach to the double relationship of truth and action regarding the effects of the work, allows to deal with the cognitive and valorative limitations arising from the formal approach of Modernity to built heritage.


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How to Cite
Fonti, D. (2021). Reading practices: Contributions for a reflecting and intervening upon built patrimony. Astrolabio, (27), 1–26.


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