Human Rights, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Mercedes Sosa: Historical Refractions in Biographical Documentaries

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Nathan Bastos de Souza


The objective of our reflection is to understand how two biographical documentaries about Mercedes Sosa refract the struggle of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, detecting which were the discursive strategies carried out by each documentary maker and what effects are produced by this approximation that can be defined as having a “biographical value” (Bajtín, 1982). Methodologically, discourse analysis is used to observe the thematic construction throughout the two documentaries in light of the analytical perspectives derived from the study of texts (Bajtín, 1982). The conclusions will account for the existence of two different images of Mercedes Sosa in relation to the struggle for human rights in Argentina. These images come from the application of biographical values that differ from each other, confirming that, in one of the documentaries, the narrative construction presents Mercedes Sosa's struggle in the present, while the other story proposes a projection of the future, in a world after the dictatorship.

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How to Cite
Human Rights, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Mercedes Sosa: Historical Refractions in Biographical Documentaries. (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 145-167.

How to Cite

Human Rights, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and Mercedes Sosa: Historical Refractions in Biographical Documentaries. (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 145-167.


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