Biography and Archive. A Lecture by Jorge Luis Borges as Transcribed by a Police Intelligence Agent

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Patricia Funes


On May 28, 1970, Jorge Luis Borges delivered the conference “Junín and the Conquest of the Desert” in that city. Among the audience present, an agent of the local intelligence services listened, wrote and sent to his superiors a version of the lecture and his impressions, a singular record that is kept in the Archives of the Intelligence Directorate of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires (DIPPBA).

The aim of the article is to inscribe the document on two levels: (1) to expose some notes and reflections on the narration of lives, biographical and autobiographical moments in the writing and literary aesthetics of Jorge Luis Borges that point to themes related to what was supposedly exposed in the conference; (2) to situate the document, the logics of the archive and the political context that surrounded it, and to put this in dialogue with the previous point. And, interweaving both, to analyze in methodological and analytical terms, the tense relations between biography, autobiography and archive.

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How to Cite
Biography and Archive. A Lecture by Jorge Luis Borges as Transcribed by a Police Intelligence Agent. (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 1-25.
Author Biography

Patricia Funes, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

  1. in History. She is a tenured Professor at the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. She is an Independent Researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), based at the Gino Germani Research Institute (IIGG). She currently leads the research team "Individual in the collective. Forms of reconstruction and representation of the recent past in biographical key based at the IIGG. She has taught postgraduate courses at universities in Argentina and abroad. Her research is related to the field of political and cultural ideas in Latin America in the twentieth century and the processes of memory in the recent past. She has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences/UBA in 2014-2018. She is Academic Advisor of the Comisión Provincial por la Memoria.

How to Cite

Biography and Archive. A Lecture by Jorge Luis Borges as Transcribed by a Police Intelligence Agent. (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 1-25.


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