Analysis of internal migrations in Argentina in the period 2005-2010
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- In this article, factors associated with the internal migrations of Argentina are analyzed. A theoretical discussion of the different migratory perspectives is presented, distinguishing between individual-economic and structural-social approaches. Using the migration matrix for the 24 districts, obtained with Redatam corresponding to census 2010, migration indicators (gross and net migration rates, and migration efficiency index, among others) were calculated. A script was also developed to make new circular diagrams that visually summarize migratory flows, constituting a colorful and useful instrument to have a more complete and faster panorama than the traditional matrix. The main migratory flows between provinces were identified. Net migration rates were positive in Patagonia, negative in northern Argentina and notably in Buenos Aires City (CABA). In the Pampeana region, flows are high and migration rates were lower. Subsequently, a more detailed analysis was carried out using the Annual Survey of Urban Households of the same year, which has data at the individual level and additional variables to carry out a more in-depth analysis. Attraction and expulsion factors were identified, among the main conclusions income is an important factor for attracting migrants, as indicated by neoclassical theory, but sociodemographic factors such as education were also considered. In general, migrations are associated with higher incomes, but also higher unemployment rates, which may be due to difficulties in finding employment in the new destination.
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