The formation of the latin american video movement: conditions, agents and speeches

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Maria Aimaretti


This article addresses the phenomenon of the Latin American Video Movement, which was a network of heterogeneous experiences whose founding act was formalized in December 1987 within the framework of the IX International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana. The Movement functioned as a space for sub-continental dialogue and integration concerned with: establishing cooperative relationships and avoiding the atomization of experiences, promoting the development and organization of national groups in pursuit of democracy, improving and increasing the flow of information and circulation of productions, systematizing current projects, socializing partial learning, and generating training mechanisms.

As part of a broader investigation, where the Network's path between 1987 and 1992 —the last year of formal existence— is exhaustively reported, this work focuses on the analysis of the material, discursive and cultural conditions that made its emergence possible, to then examine in detail its first year of life, taking into account the different instances of dialogue substantiated by the regional filmmakers.

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The formation of the latin american video movement: conditions, agents and speeches. (2022). Astrolabio, 28, 195-221.
Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

The formation of the latin american video movement: conditions, agents and speeches. (2022). Astrolabio, 28, 195-221.


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Documentos colectivos

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