Reading as an initiatory experience in university entrance. Some aspects that have been neglected

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Guadalupe Erro


To think of reading as an initiatory experience in the admission course to the university favors a series of reflections that point to neglected dimensions of this problem, complementary aspects of strictly disciplinary learning in a programme of Humanities and especially in the School of Letters, where we work with texts.

Our usual concerns as teachers have to do with academic literacy, the acquisition of some fundamental tools and ways of working for future actions.

There are, however, other aspects that should be considered, and that are linked to a personal dimension of reading and writing as experience. There are, for example, our representations as entrants about the university, what we hope to find, what idea we have of what we are going to do, why we choose this program of study.

It seems appropriate to examine the impact that these aspects can have as readings of reality from the perspective of the university entrants, without forgetting the preconceptions and representations we also have as teachers.



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