Sport, sociability and political participation among master swimmers of Club Unidos de La Plata


  • Julia Hang Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales



sports, sociability, politics, club, swimming


This paper analyzes the ways in which social and political relations are established from a sport. It will take the case of a group of “master” swimmers (adults ) of Club Unidos de La Plata , who since the 2008 year take part of the political leadership of the institution , to show the way they relate between each other and the institutional politics, giving specific senses to their participation in “politics” . Since the practice of swimming is valued by these actors not only for its sportive dimension , but mainly for its social dimension , here we seek to reflect on the ways from participating in a sportive and sociable practice , actors with different histories and political trajectories are linked together , build relationships and dispute positions of power , such as the presidency of the club or a place in the executive committee. In turn , we will seek to reflect on the link between these relationships and other areas of local politics , considering the senses given by the actors to the participation in this space.


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How to Cite

Hang, J. (2014). Sport, sociability and political participation among master swimmers of Club Unidos de La Plata. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 7(2), 339–346.



Dossier Anthropology and Sports