Silencing and identity: linguistic ideologies in students of university professorship in Letters.


  • Marco Rossi Peralta Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


linguistic ideology, linguistic education, social representations, linguistic discrimination


This work is part of a project devoted to investigate linguistic ideologies in students who are taking courses related to linguistic education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UNT): professorships in Letters, English, French and Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences. We investigate the articulations between different linguistic ideologies, particularly between monolingual/monoglossic models and multilingual perspectives, as well as their articulations with sociocultural ideologies.
This article presents results circumscribed to the Profesorado en Letras that partially confirm the working hypothesis. Although the expansion of critical discourses towards normativism and purism is evident in the institution, it is not associated with plurilingual ideologies; on the contrary, it coexists with the prevalence of monolingualism and the absence of explicit valuations of the students' vernacular variety.



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How to Cite

Rossi Peralta, M. (2021). Silencing and identity: linguistic ideologies in students of university professorship in Letters. Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, (1), 52–69. Retrieved from