Lead female characters in animated feature films: the case of the movies by Juanba Berasategi





Women’s studies, protagonist, animated film, characters, featured films


This paper presents the traditional stereotypes and conventions of the female lead character in the animated feature. This research will analyze movies within women’s studies. We define the theoretical framework within mainstream films, specifically the ones by The Walt Disney Company, and the films directed by Hayao Miyazaki. We also consider the theory of the ‘beautiful fighting girl’ by Tamaki Saito. After setting the framework, we investigate the case of the female lead character from the six animated features released between 1992 and 2017 directed by the Basque animation pioneer Juanba Berasategi. The main purpose of this research is to determine the stereotypes and conventions in the work of Berasategi which is created in the context of independent filmmaking.


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Author Biography

Maitane Junguitu Dronda, Investigadora independiente

Ha ejercido de profesora e investigadora en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Su objeto de investigación se centra en el desarrollo histórico de la animación comercial del País Vasco y estudia en profundidad los elementos formales, la estética y las temáticas de los films de Juanba Berasategi. También ha publicado varios artículos sobre videojuegos producidos en el País Vasco. Ha realizado varias estancias de investigación en Estados Unidos y Escocia. 


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How to Cite

Junguitu Dronda, M. (2022). Lead female characters in animated feature films: the case of the movies by Juanba Berasategi. Toma Uno, (10). https://doi.org/10.55442/tomauno.n10.2022.39164