Thoughts towards an investigation on the argentine modern cinema


  • Enzo Moreira Facca Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires



aesthetics, politics, narrative ruptures, hegemony, counter-hegemony


This article is part of a first approach towards a study of the Argentine modern cinema from late ‘60s and early ‘70s years. We will focus on the first productions of the directors Hugo Santiago (Invasión, 1969), Alberto Fischerman (The Players vs Angeles Caídos, 1968), Edgardo Cozarinsky (... (Dot, dot, dot), 1970) and Julio Ludueña (Alliance for Progress, 1971). In all this films by these authors during this period we can point out breakups in the narrative modalities and the screen staging that differentiate them from other contemporary films such as those that follow the classical narrative and even with others that challenge it, such as the ones from the Generación del 60 (60s Generation) and the Cine Militante (Militant Cinema) filmmakers. We will focus on finding a common ground between all these productions and how they interrelate with politics and a vision of their need to talk about a new cinematographic aesthetics.


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Author Biography

Enzo Moreira Facca, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Realizador Integral en Artes Audiovisuales por la Facultad de Arte de la UNICEN. Maestrando en Arte y Sociedad en Latinoamérica por la misma institución. Investigador del Centro de Estudios de Teatro, Educación y Consumos Culturales (TECC) radicado en la misma institución.


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How to Cite

Moreira Facca, E. (2021). Thoughts towards an investigation on the argentine modern cinema. Toma Uno, (9).