Tale with images: an audiovisual production experience


  • Romina Romano National University of Tucumán
  • José Amadeo Pellegrino National University of Tucumán




Audiovisual, Short films, Tool education, High school


The purpose of this paper is to present the activities realized in the course Tale with images, developed under the project Our School Continuing Education Program of the Ministry of Education of the nation in 2015. Activities included an audiovisual production workshop with a total duration of three months (36 hours). During the course, we train in audiovisual production projects for teachers of high school, and then they made short films where they worked with their students.

The premise of this work was to take the audiovisual as a tool or vehicle for learning any discipline and not as mere illustration of a topic or reading text. During the workshop, teachers took a theme of his subject and made it short, incorporating it in the teaching -learning process. 


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Author Biographies

Romina Romano, National University of Tucumán

Lic. en cine y televisión. Realizadora audiovisual, docente e investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Profesora adjunta en la carrera Licenciatura en cinematografía – EUCVyTv. 

José Amadeo Pellegrino, National University of Tucumán

Lic. en cinematografía. Realizador audiovisual, docente e investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Profesor adjunto en la carrera Licenciatura en cinematografía – EUCVyTv.



How to Cite

Romano, R., & Pellegrino, J. A. (2017). Tale with images: an audiovisual production experience. Toma Uno, (5), 207–215. https://doi.org/10.55442/tomauno.n5.2016.17216