Pedagogic analysis of a situation: movement in two dimensions


  • César Cristóbal Escalante
  • Verónica Vargas Alejo
  • Martha Leticia García Rodríguez



Didactic Analysis, Movement, Learning concepts.


We describe the results obtained by exploring the didactic potential of an activity. We performed this experience by developing a didactic sequence for the theme: Body Movement in two dimensions. We emphasize the analysis of the activity: Movement of a soccer ball. This helped us to establish the sequence students should follow in addressing their description, and to develop the conceptual knowledge and skills considered in the course objectives. It also allowed us to identify the possible interventions of the instructor of the course.


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How to Cite

Escalante, C. C., Vargas Alejo, V., & García Rodríguez, M. L. (2017). Pedagogic analysis of a situation: movement in two dimensions. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29(2), 45–54.