Revalidación psicométrica del cuestionario de actitudes hacia la matemática en estudiantes universitarios


  • Mariana Alejandra Farías Mata Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Dr. Federico Rivero Palacio”. Área de Desarrollo Humano. Caracas –Venezuela Author



questionnaire, reliability, validity, mathematics, measurement


This  job  report  the  procedures  of  validation  and  reliability  review,  used  in  order  to  do  the  psychometrical
evaluation  of  the “Questionnaire  of  Attitudes  towards Mathematics”  designed in  20 07,  as  part  of  a  research about  new
approaches in  teaching  –  learning  in  university  students.  Starting  from  its  results,  we  intend  to  re -validate the  “QAM”
properties. Whit this purpose we apply in 2013, this instrument to 404 students in a technological u niversity, in careers
which have different levels of mathematical contents or subjects that uses mathematics knowledge as basement. Finally we
analyze the results of the re-validation process and we suggest some considerations regard to the scope and contr ibutions
that could be obtain whit the application of this questionnaire, in order to collect information about attitudes in universit y
student’s populations.


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How to Cite

Revalidación psicométrica del cuestionario de actitudes hacia la matemática en estudiantes universitarios. (2015). Revista Evaluar, 15(1).