Archives, colonists and the Borders of the Territory of Chubut. Photographs of the Juan Moreteau Documentary Archive Fond


  • Inés Yujnovsky Laboratorio de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas (LICH). Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). Argentina


photography, self-representation, Chubut, archives


Juan Moreteau (1870-1951) was a French engineer who settled in Argentina in 1895. At that time, he joined the Topographic and Geological Section of the Museo de la Plata, directed by Francisco P. Moreno and was appointed as a technician of the Argentina Border Commission with Chile. In 1903 he settled in Trelew (Chubut-Argentina) from where he carried out explorations and tasks
related to his profession. The photographs from the Juan Moreteau Documentary Archive Fond, recovered by the Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences (IPSH-Conicet), allow us to analyze the point of view about his own figure as an explorer, that of his co-workers, his neighbors, about the interethnic relationships and the representations of Patagonian nature in this context. The problems of the archives in Argentina have caused a certain dispersion of the documentary fonds, therefore, the enhancement of Moreteau’s materials opens a new window to a key moment in the expansion of the central state in Patagonia.


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How to Cite

Yujnovsky, I. (2023). Archives, colonists and the Borders of the Territory of Chubut. Photographs of the Juan Moreteau Documentary Archive Fond. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 2(14), 71–96. Retrieved from


