The Archival and Museological Treatment of the Juan Moreteau Document Collection


  • Marcos Leonardo Hamm Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB). Argentina
  • Sebastián Eduardo Pérez Parry Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (IPCSH). Argentina


archive, conservation, museology, heritage, Patagonia


This article provides a detailed description of the archival treatment that enabled the creation of the “Juan Moreteau” Documentary Fund (FDJM) after the initial donation by the descendants of the French engineer in 2019. Although the materials related to Juan Moreteau’s professional career were subject to an interdisciplinary treatment by the Social-Historical Studies Group of the Patagonian Institute of Social and Human Sciences (IPSCH-CONICET, a first stage of sorting and stabilization was crucial. Subsequently, the objects and documents were systematized using archival and museological principles that allowed their valorization and availability for historical and cultural research. The diversity of the FDJM allows for the exploration of various lines of research and the establishment of connections with other regional repositories related to scientific explorations and the consolidation of sovereignty in border areas.


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How to Cite

Hamm, M. L., & Pérez Parry, S. E. (2023). The Archival and Museological Treatment of the Juan Moreteau Document Collection. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 2(14), 53–70. Retrieved from


