Towards a critique of the uses of the archive. The case of an anonymous document associated with Arturo Jauretche among Perón’s papers


  • Sergio Friedemann Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UNIPE). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Argentina.


archives, peronism, correspondence, criticism


This paper presents a preview of an ongoing research about the correspondence in exile of Juan D. Perón. The purpose is to show that access to the original documents could be essential to approach archives from a critical methodological perspective. A personal experience in which it was inferred the authorship of an anonymous document mistakenly associated to Arturo Jauretche will be narrated, and there will be critical review regarding the uses of archives that allow literal transcriptions of documents on different platforms. If archivists decide what should be preserved and what should be dismissed, and also how to organize the material offered to the public, academic investigations do not always make a critical use of the archives that would allow a review of those previous decisions. The main materials selected for this paper are documents from the Juan Domingo Perón Papers’ collection of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, California.


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How to Cite

Friedemann, S. (2023). Towards a critique of the uses of the archive. The case of an anonymous document associated with Arturo Jauretche among Perón’s papers. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 1(14), 109–124. Retrieved from


