The importance of judicial records as a source for the reconstruction of labor relations labor relations


  • Griselda Lemiez Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN). Argentina


labour relations, court records, labour discipline


This study focuses on the significance of judicial sources to the analysis of social and labour relations. Based on a specific labour dispute arising at Calera Avellaneda, a cement plant located in the city of Olavarría, the research centres on the court records which describe in detail, among other things, the causes and forms adopted by such dispute. We consider the recovery of the value of judicial sources of the utmost importance as well as their respective contributions to the study of some types of labour-management behaviour associated with disciplinary directives applied by the company.


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How to Cite

Lemiez, G. (2010). The importance of judicial records as a source for the reconstruction of labor relations labor relations. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, (1). Retrieved from


