Preserving and studying scientific heritage at the University of Lisbon: recent developments and perspectives


  • Marta C. Lourenço Universidade de Lisboa. Portugal


scientific heritage, material culture of science, history of science, scientific collections


The preservation and study of scientific heritage involves many challenges. At the University of Lisbon we have been addressing these challenges in close collaboration with partners from Europe and Brazil. In this paper I describe recent work on this front, with a focus on material culture training and supporting other institutions in the preservation of their scientific heritage. I will also discuss the "material turn" in the history of science, which has been an inspiration for Lisbon.


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How to Cite

Lourenço, M. C. (2013). Preserving and studying scientific heritage at the University of Lisbon: recent developments and perspectives. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, (4), 95–109. Retrieved from


