Institutional sources for the study of recent university history. Terminations and reinstatements in the Department of Humanities at the National University of the South (1975-1986). National University of the South (1975-1986)


  • Rocío Zanetto Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Argentina


university, recent history, administrative documents


In recent years, relations between university institutions and State have become the subject of research studies seeking to understand the complexities of the implementation of state policies in and by universities. On one hand, the repressive mechanisms implemented during the last military dictatorship have been explored; on the other hand, the implementation of reparation policies determined by the law of the democratic government of Alfonsin have been poorly studied. In this context, we propose to explore the potential of administrative documents produced by the various units of the Universidad Nacional del Sur for the reconstruction of two processes affecting the teaching staff of the institution layoffs since 1975 and reinstatements during the democratization of the university.


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How to Cite

Zanetto, R. (2014). Institutional sources for the study of recent university history. Terminations and reinstatements in the Department of Humanities at the National University of the South (1975-1986). National University of the South (1975-1986). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, (5), 219–225. Retrieved from


