Problems and questions of social history around inequality


  • Juan Suriano Universidad Nacional de General San Martín (UNSAM). Argentina


inequality, poverty, social history, sociology


This article aims to analyse some of the ways in which social history has addressed the phenomenon of
economic and social inequality. Is performed first a quick tracing of as inequality turned into an important
topic of the Economy and the Social Sciences, mainly the Sociology. In the second and third paragraph it is
a question of establishing what the analysis perspectives were on the topic of social history both European
and Argentina. There it is noted that, beyond the national peculiarities, the interest in inequality was not
addressed by the researchers directly and as a phenomenon itself, but through tha analysis of various
situations of exploitation (conflicts, workers organizations, living and working conditions, etc.). These ways
of dealing with the issue, generally from the perspective of Marxist analysis, prevented for years from
thinking of inequality in more complex terms such as gender inequities, race, etnia or, as has occurred from
the economic and social changes of the 1980´s, the vast world of individuals who are outside the world of
formal work and State protection policies.


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How to Cite

Suriano, J. (2017). Problems and questions of social history around inequality. Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, (8), 24–42. Retrieved from


