An "archive of repression" in the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Province of Buenos Aires: the bureaucratic registry of Buenos Aires prisons


  • María Lorena Montero Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Argentina
  • Silvina Jensen Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Argentina


archives of the repression, bonaerenses jails, State of exception, Secretary of Human Rights


This article is focused in the analysis of a documentary heterogeneous group produced by the Bonarense Penitentiary Service during the state of exception, and which is nowadays placed in the Human Rights Secretary of de Buenos Aires Province. In the first place, the conditions of the discovery of the documentation and its later transfer to the Division for the Protection and Promotion of the Secretary will be reconstructed. In the second place, a general description of the documents included in the repository will be realized, and some of its potentialities will be pointed.


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DA SILVA CATELA Ludmila, “El mundo de los archivos”, DA SILVA CATELA Ludmila y JELIN Elizabeth (comps.), Los archivos de la represión. Documentos, memoria y verdad, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2002, pp. 195-219.

NAZAR Mariana, “Dictadura, archivos y accesibilidad documental. A modo de agenda”, Derechos Humanos en Argentina, Informe 2007, Informe Anual del CELS, Buenos Aires, EUDEBA, 2007.






Archivos / Bibliotecas / Museos / Colecciones

How to Cite

An "archive of repression" in the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Province of Buenos Aires: the bureaucratic registry of Buenos Aires prisons. (2012). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 3, 307-311.