The nationalization of banking and the reversal of a decision. The Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires (1946-1950)


  • Noemí M. Girbal-Blacha Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Centro de Estudios de la Argentina Rural (CEAR). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Argentina


Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires, banking nacionalization, Nation vs. province of Buenos Aires, Arturo M. Jauretche


The Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires is now the oldest public institution of Argentine territory. This study aims to transcend its strictly financial and operating action –which has attracted the attention of economic historiography– to emphasize on the political conflicts that arise between the government of the Nation and the Province since 1946, when the national government has nationalized banks and deposits. This is a situation directly related to the various functions: commercial, administrative and bank mortgage, while the parent company for agricultural and industrial economy of Buenos Aires is a substantive player to understand the economics and finance as part of policy decisions taken since the beginnings of Peron in front of the national government and Domingo Mercante as the province’s governor. Disagreements are coincident with the presidency in the financial institution of the former “radical and ex-forjista” linked to Mercante, Arturo M. Jauretche (1946-1950). This lesser-known aspect of the nationalization of the banks between the mid 1940s and 1955, serves as a reference to know the ins and outs of this decision in the area of the powerful province of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

The nationalization of banking and the reversal of a decision. The Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires (1946-1950). (2012). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 3, 95-123.