Fund Documentary Jorge Federico Sábato: a journey through his documentation


  • Jesús Emilio Monzón Centro de Estudios de la Situación y Perspectiva de la Argentina (CESPA). Argentina


personal archives, documentary heritage, appreciation, memory


The importance of analyzing personal document collections involves, first, from an archival point of view, weigh their valuation due to the relevance of the creators / accumulators, on the other hand, from the standpoint of documentary heritage, deepen into the interstices of these funds and their itineraries from the private sphere to the public sphere. Thus, the article offers the results of a work with Jorge Federico Sabato Documentary Fund, which was classified, described, inventoried and ordered to make it searchable.


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Archivos / Bibliotecas / Museos / Colecciones

How to Cite

Fund Documentary Jorge Federico Sábato: a journey through his documentation. (2013). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 4, 344-350.