The Weight of the Written Word. The difficult affirmation of the "visual" in the Italian historiography of science


  • Francesco Paolo de Ceglia Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Italia


visual history, italian historiography, historiographical trends, iconic turn


This paper addresses the way in which Italian historians of science have dealt in recent decades with the new perspectives arising from the so-called iconic turn. The "visual" has had some difficulty in making headway in a historiographical practice which is, in many ways, still very traditional. The crisis of the Italian university system and the lack of turnover have contributed to making this even more difficult.


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How to Cite

The Weight of the Written Word. The difficult affirmation of the "visual" in the Italian historiography of science. (2013). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 4, 59-75.