A theme park of disease or how to connect fin-de-siècle Cuba with modernity


  • Rocío Fernández CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Julián del Casal, latinamerican modernism, disease, networks, lack


In the following paper, I propose to analyze a series of chronicles published by Julián del Casal in the newspaper El País in 1890 with the purpose of reviewing the different ways in which he connects the island with the desired modernity on the other side of the Atlantic. In this sense, I will not only seek to reflect on what happens when the money that sustained those networks in the past is no longer there, but I will also try to think about the literary productivity of such economic ruin. Thus, the recovery of the notion of cosmopolitan subjectivity proposed by Mariano Siskind to think about the link between the desire to be at the height of the world, the constitutive lack and the compensation through the signs of modernity, will serve as a starting point to ask ourselves what happens when the way to achieve this desire is precisely the deepening of the ruin and lack through the design of the disease.

Author Biography

  • Rocío Fernández, CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

    Licenciada en Letras, becaria doctoral del CONICET e integrante del INHUS, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    ORCID: 0000-0001-9198-4145


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How to Cite

A theme park of disease or how to connect fin-de-siècle Cuba with modernity. (2021). Recial, 12(20), 179-193. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/recial/article/view/35731

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