General Guidelines for Sections

Academic Articles – Thematic Dossier

Academic articles in paper format will be accepted, provided they develop original hypotheses from a perspective linked to critical discourse studies.

The proposed analysis corpus and approach must align with the theoretical, critical, or methodological framework outlined in each issue’s Dossier. The journal’s editorial committee will select a conceptual theme related to discourse studies for each issue, and the section will be coordinated accordingly.

Submissions should be between nine (9) and twenty (20) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Abstract in Spanish and English
  • Introduction to the research problem
  • Theoretical framework, objectives, and hypotheses
  • Materials or corpus composition
  • Analysis
  • Conclusions
  • References/sources

Authors must review the journal’s policies on the use of tables and figures if they wish to include such elements in their article.

Academic Articles – Open Theme

Academic articles in paper format will be accepted, provided they develop original hypotheses related to the analysis of discursive practices and social phenomena in their various semiotic dimensions (photography, music, audiovisual productions, oral and written discourse, performance, video games, etc.).

Submissions should be between nine (9) and twenty (20) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Abstract in Spanish and English
  • Introduction to the research problem
  • Theoretical framework, objectives, and hypotheses
  • Materials or corpus composition
  • Analysis
  • Conclusions
  • References/sources

Authors must review the journal’s policies on the use of tables and figures if they wish to include such elements in their article.


Polifónicxs is particularly interested in the epistemological and theoretical potential contained in the aesthetic experience provided by artistic objects. As such, it seeks to encourage alternative approaches to discourse, including literary/artistic criticism associated with essayistic thought.

This section will accept critical articles in essay format that analyze aesthetic objects or problematize categories, theories, and methodologies related to discursive phenomena.

Submissions should be between nine (9) and twenty (20) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Abstract in Spanish and English
  • Argument presentation and development
  • Conclusions
  • References/sources

Authors must review the journal’s policies on the use of tables and figures if they wish to include such elements in their article.


This journal values the connections between teaching and research fostered at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. It provides a space for reflection on teaching practices and didactic sequences related to the study of social discourse at any educational level.

This section will accept essays that reflect on teaching experiences or offer an initial approach to classroom content planning.

Purely essayistic works should be between five (5) and fifteen (15) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Abstract in Spanish and English
  • Introduction to the reflection
  • Main development
  • Conclusions
  • References/sources (if applicable)

Works including a didactic sequence should be between five (5) and fifteen (15) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Abstract in Spanish and English
  • Introduction (brief mention of the target audience – educational level, prior knowledge required – as well as objectives, materials or content covered in the sequence such as texts, videos, audios, etc., and estimated time for implementation)
  • Didactic sequence or exploration (detailed presentation of activities as they will be delivered to the target audience, work modalities, etc.)
  • Conclusions
  • References/sources

Authors must review the journal’s policies on the use of tables and figures if they wish to include such elements in their article.


This section will accept commentaries on academic publications that offer relevant theoretical-methodological contributions to the field, as well as critical readings of narrative discourses in audiovisual media (films, TV series, documentaries, video games, video essays, etc.) that have been published within the last two (2) years.

Purely essayistic works should be between three (3) and five (5) pages in length and must include:

  • Title in Spanish/English
  • Author information (full name, degree program, university, city and country, email, and ORCID registration number)
  • Technical specifications of the reviewed object
  • Critical reflection (introduction, development, and conclusion)
  • References/sources

Technical Specifications for Audiovisual Works

  • Title: [Original name]
  • Director:
  • Production company:
  • Country of origin:
  • Year:
  • Duration: [number] minutes

Technical Specifications for Academic Publications

  • Title: [Original name]
  • Author:
  • Publisher:
  • Year:
  • Number of pages:

For this section, it is mandatory to include a promotional image of the film, series, or other audiovisual product being reviewed, or the cover of the book under review. The image must be in .jpg or .png format, with a minimum resolution of 1500 pixels on the shortest side, and must be attached separately to the email submission.